July 20, 2022
The State of Payvider Adoption in Our Current Healthcare System
Every health system leader has unprecedented executive management challenges facing their organization in the wake of the pandemic.
In this episode, Dennis Butts Jr. shares pragmatic information on the payvider space and the state of payvider adoption in our current healthcare system. Dennis is a Partner at Guidehouse, leading the health strategy and innovation center and an expert on today’s topic. Find out why payvider can and should be the next step in advancing healthcare.
In this 33-minute episode you’ll learn:
- What a payvider really is, how the payvider market has grown over the past three to five years, and what some examples of successful payviders are today (5:33)
- How the current healthcare ecosystem creates the perfect storm for a payvider model to become beneficial and successful for all parties involved – payers, providers, and consumers included (9:48)
- How the payvider scenario can support leverage of resources and better care within health systems (22:45)
- Practical takeaways health systems might use to enter the payvider market if they’re interested (26:18)
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