Optimizing Care Orchestration: Overcoming Challenges On Access, Throughput, and Capacity with Dr. Derek Feuquay and Jake Lansburg
Caring for about 800,000 lives in their region, Northern Arizona Healthcare is no stranger to challenges concerning patient flow and care orchestration. In this episode, the Leader Dialogue co-hosts sit down with Dr. Derek Feuquay and Jake Lansburg of Northern Arizona Healthcare to discuss how care orchestration works for them, and how they overcome issues on access, throughput, and capacity.
They take us deep into their process design and transformation to facilitate better patient movement as well as giving patients access to better care. Dr. Derek and Jake cover a range of important topics to help you navigate these pressing healthcare challenges.
The episode covers a lot of ground, from creating cultural change to accelerating the transfer process, having a phenomenal care coordination team, to turning data into information and insights. Tune in and learn to optimize care orchestration.
Check out other podcasts and webinars from the ABOUT and Baldrige partnership.