Post-Acute Reporting & Analytics

Delivering Strategic and Operational Decision Support with Analytics and Reporting

Discover how to navigate the Tableau dashboards and gain valuable insights from your data. The training videos below will help you drive operational efficiencies and improve throughput by getting a systemwide view of Post-Acute network performance. 


Use analytics to understand and control variations across the continuum to drive more efficient discharge processes which frees up beds, reducing LOS. 


Dashboards combined with our committed partnership deliver an understanding of growth trends that are most impactful to success and understand how to make the changes necessary to succeed. 

Questions about the new dashboards?

Send in your questions or request a copy of the Post-Acute Care Report User Guide.

Please fill out the form below.
PAC Training

Navigating Tableau

In this video learn how to:

  • Log into the Tableau Data Warehouse
  • Find the PAC Dashboard reports
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Post Acute Volumes

In this video learn how to:

  • Understand the effort put into requests and measure the total booked number vs levels of care created
  • Gain visibility to volumes and network performance by each level of care
  • Understand monthly and yearly trends and patterns in referral and level of care volume
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Provider Responses

In this video learn how to:

  • Gauge performance of Post-Acute provider response time on a comparative basis and see the variations in performance trending over the previous year
  • Understand which providers are more likely to respond to referrals and accept patients
  • Measure and compare performance of quick list providers vs non quick list providers
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Booked Timeline

In this video learn how to:

  • Quickly establish where bottlenecks are occurring and increase efficiency to move patients to the next setting of care, faster
  • The Booked Planning dashboard provides visibility to times for:
    • LoC Created to Booked
    • LoC Created to Referral Sent
    • Sent to First Response
    • First Response to Yes
    • Sent to First Yes
    • First Yes to Booked
    • Referral Sent to Booked
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Provider Score Card

In this video learn how to:

  • Improve patient placement performance by sharing activity and insights with providers
  • Post-Acute Provider Scorecards allow providers to see:
    • How many referrals they received, how many they responded to, and how many patients were booked with them
    • How long their average response time was and how often requests fell in the allotted response time
    • Monthly trends of referrals, responses, and number of booked patients
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