Connecting people, data, and workflows

Hundreds of health systems of all sizes use ABOUT to transfer patients into their hospitals, determine inpatient stay logistics, discharge patients to post-acute care, and gain the insights to operate their health system.
January 25, 2022

ABOUT CEO Angie Franks interviewed on the Empowered Patient podcast

Removing Obstacles to Interfacility Patient Transfer with Angie Franks ABOUT

ABOUT CEO Angie was recently interviewed on the Empowered Patient podcast. In the 20 minute podcast, Angie and host Karen Jagoda discuss personalized medicine breakthroughs, how data from wearables can contribute to our healthcare, and the challenges faced by connected health entrepreneurs.

You can hear the podcast recording on the Empowered Patient website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast streaming service

The logo of the Empowered Patient Podcast